The Pros and Cons of Self Publishing


Self publishing is awesome. I’ve had a dream since I was probably 10 or so to be a published author. I’ve always wanted to see my books on shelves. For so many reasons, I’ve decided to self publish for the time being and I wanted to share some of my personal Pros and Cons with you.


I can make my own schedule

I can publish as many (or as few) books as I want

I have final say over what goes into the book

I have final say over price

I don’t have to worry about the added stress of querying and submitting

I can do it NOW.

Basically, requires


I keep pushing back deadlines. UGH.

I have to be accountable on my own.

I have to do ALL of my own marketing and promos.

I have to handle every aspect from writing, editing, copy editing, cover, blurbs, and more.

I probably won’t ever get into Barnes and Noble with my self published books.

It takes time away from my other business, time with my husband, time with my son.

It can be lonely.

It’s a silly little list because overall, right now self publishing makes sense for me, for my business and for my books. I actually really enjoy it, the freedom and the ability to do what I want, when I want. But that doesn’t mean that someday I won’t approach agents, because I will.

But for now #selfpublishingforthewin


Just so you know…I’m this close to finishing We Need Him Part 2! Edits are done and I have handed it over to my beta reader. Soon soon soon!

Want an exclusive sneak peak? Sign up here now (seriously, sneak peak is going out Tuesday at 7am central)!

What Does An Orgasm Look Like? – An Art Journal Spread

What Does An Orgasm Look Like? - An Art Journal Spread by Sage L Mattison

This post/contest from girlonthenet inspired me to pull out my art journal and create a new page.

Besides being a writer of fiction and poetry, I’ve also been a visual artist for a long time and art journling is one of my favorite ways to express myself.

What does an orgasm look like art journal by sage l mattison

Supplies: Reeves Watercolor Crayons : Colored Cardstock : Figma Graphic 1 Pen : The image of the girl I used can be found here. Please remember to be respectful of artists and do not use copyrighted works for commercial use without permission

What does an orgasm look like art journal by sage l mattison

When I create a poems in my art journal, I write from the heart, I do very very little editing and just leave the words as raw as they are when they pour out of me. I try not to over think what I’m doing and I often just do what feels right in the moment (in terms of colors, words etc) and the page usually comes out how it needs to.

Here are the words of the poem :

I am multiplying



I am over the

edge and


I am everything,

nothing and


I am emotions

and hope

and release and

pain and


I am content,

I am languid and



Share: What does an orgasm look like to you? Create some art and send me a link in the comments below!

Orgasms, Pole Dancing and Period Sex!

A monthly(ish) round up of sexy, smutty, sex and writing filled things I’ve found around the net!

what does an orgasm look like

:::What does an orgasm look like? I love this idea and this contest! I missed out on entering but I think I might paint my own just for fun.

:::Oh hey, remember last month I shared the dragon dildos? Well Oh Joy Sex Toy reviewed one!

:::I suffer with depression and anxiety and reading this account of how sex feels after coming off medication is fascinating!

:::I tried pole dancing once, it was awesome and some day I’ll do it again. Until then, check out this ABC of Pole.

:::For the writers, 5 Scary Grammar Rules.

:::A personal story from an asexual. “I remain unconvinced that sex is as much fun as it’s being billed as; I am unpersuaded about the power of both physiological and emotional feelings of arousal.”

:::Do you have sex on your period? Ev’Yan says you should.

:::I always thought Sex in the City was entertaining, but do you think Carrie Bradshaw knows about good sex? I’m going to say probably not, while sex was obviously a major theme, it wasn’t always positive.

:::I’m guilty of using some of these words that shouldn’t be in erotica. Like “Moisture” as well as “porn speak”. And I’m okay with that.

:::An interview about how self publishing has changed in the last 2 years. “How has the public perception of self-publishing changed, and are we past the ‘stigma’ label? I’m skeptical about how much that stigma ever existed among the people that really count: readers.”

:::My Fave Books This Month:::

:::One to Hold and One to Protect by Tia Louise. Super hot sex scenes but also a great plot line! Loved how strong the female character is even after she meets a tough guy who will do literally anything to protect her.

:::Tripped Up Love by Julie Farley is sexy and more of a romance with a happy ever after (HEA). I really enjoyed it, the characters go through some tough things and there are a lot of different emotions explored which I love.

You can check out other books I’ve read on my goodreads page.

:::You Might Have Missed This:::

:::Last month I set up a tumblr page! I post sexy, erotic, romantic and very nsfw images of all sorts (female, male, couples, lesbian, gay, bdsm) and update several times a day. Would love for you to check it out!

:::Why I’m Taking Part In NaNoWriMo

:::Have you gotten your free copy of Moments of Pleasure yet?!


PS: if you find some sexy, smutty or fun links you want featured here send them to me on twitter.