The Pros and Cons of Self Publishing


Self publishing is awesome. I’ve had a dream since I was probably 10 or so to be a published author. I’ve always wanted to see my books on shelves. For so many reasons, I’ve decided to self publish for the time being and I wanted to share some of my personal Pros and Cons with you.


I can make my own schedule

I can publish as many (or as few) books as I want

I have final say over what goes into the book

I have final say over price

I don’t have to worry about the added stress of querying and submitting

I can do it NOW.

Basically, requires


I keep pushing back deadlines. UGH.

I have to be accountable on my own.

I have to do ALL of my own marketing and promos.

I have to handle every aspect from writing, editing, copy editing, cover, blurbs, and more.

I probably won’t ever get into Barnes and Noble with my self published books.

It takes time away from my other business, time with my husband, time with my son.

It can be lonely.

It’s a silly little list because overall, right now self publishing makes sense for me, for my business and for my books. I actually really enjoy it, the freedom and the ability to do what I want, when I want. But that doesn’t mean that someday I won’t approach agents, because I will.

But for now #selfpublishingforthewin


Just so you know…I’m this close to finishing We Need Him Part 2! Edits are done and I have handed it over to my beta reader. Soon soon soon!

Want an exclusive sneak peak? Sign up here now (seriously, sneak peak is going out Tuesday at 7am central)!

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