We Need Him
Ch4: Jamie
Holy shit. Jamie hadn’t really had a plan going into that conversation with Jake. It was probably the several cups of alcohol that lowered her faculties enough to mention a threesome and then ask Jake to make her come. She wasn’t stupid, nor was she drunk. Jamie knew a threesome when their relationship was on rocky ground was seriously not a good idea. But something inside of her couldn’t let the idea go, something telling her to do it now, to not let the opportunity pass by without grasping it.
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Changing a Main Character During A Re-Write
Last weekend, I started re-writing chapter 3 of We Need Him. I decided to write from Jake’s POV since we hadn’t heard directly from him just yet. I really struggled getting in his head and getting words in!
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About We Need Him – WIP Re-Writes
We Need Him was a series of novellas originally published 2014-2015 that followed the threesome of Jamie, Jake, and Brett as they got to know each other and developed their relationship from a couple just inviting someone new into their bed to an exclusive threesome. What I currently have written totals ~ 100k words,
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Ch3: Jake
Taking a drag on his cigarette, Jake took a moment to run his gaze up and down the British man standing in front of him. His stomach swooped, not from anxiety as it did often. This felt more like that instant lust reaction that happened when you met someone new that turned your crank just so. Jake didn’t get that reaction often with men, his tastes ran more specific for his own gender than they did for women. Brett was more than attractive, model hot with his stubble, trim figure, and dimples that showed when he smiled.
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Ch2 : Brett
The start of a headache pounded against the side of his skull as Brett listened not so patiently to the men on the other side of his video call.
“You’re only at forty percent capacity this week. That is not enough to keep that place open.”
“It’s a hazard to our brand. We need to shut it down before-”
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Ch1: Jamie
What’s that cliched poem about two ships passing in the night? Jamie couldn’t remember who wrote it, but she thought of it now as she heard the front door slam shut. It could have been the start of a nice evening together. She dished out chicken fried rice take out from two days ago but that didn’t mean romance was off the table.
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