• Ch5: Darkness


    Stripping the sheets off the bed after his own thorough shower, Oak reflected on the scene he’d just finished. It had been easy content wise, if unsatisfying without an orgasm to accompany it. But Oak had a hard time keeping the proverbial elephant in the room off of his mind.

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  • Ch3: His Name is Cyrus

    The next time or maybe the tenth time after that (sequences and numbers had just as much meaning as time to the consciousness. As in, it had no meaning), the tug brought him to the hallway of a building. Somewhere the consciousness hadn’t been before but it felt familiar anyways. The hallways were empty of people, but the murmur of voices from rooms and around corners echoed along the tiled floor and over the wooden walls.

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  • Ch2: Still Watching

    The consciousness didn’t understand time nor did the passage of it effect him in any manner. There was nothing, he was nothing. And then sometimes, he was more. He had pressure, and weight, and sensation. But still no form, nothing tangible, no thought, or memories.

    The times he was more than nothing only happened when the pull got so strong it couldn’t be ignored.

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  • Ch1: The Beginning

    The darkness couldn’t be described as peaceful, nor was it suffocating. It wasn’t heavy or weightless. It just was. There was nothing. It was nothing. Thought and emotions didn’t exist and it didn’t matter that they didn’t exist. There was no time and no place. Just…nothing.

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  • Ch1: Savanna


    “Savanna, I have a meeting with Crey Corp this morning and Devin is out sick, I need you to meet with the contractor this morning at eleven.” Katherine leaned against the door frame to Sav’s office, her eyes glued to the tablet in her hand as she waited for Sav to confirm that she understood.

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  • Ch3: Jake


    Taking a drag on his cigarette, Jake took a moment to run his gaze up and down the British man standing in front of him. His stomach swooped, not from anxiety as it did often. This felt more like that instant lust reaction that happened when you met someone new that turned your crank just so. Jake didn’t get that reaction often with men, his tastes ran more specific for his own gender than they did for women. Brett was more than attractive, model hot with his stubble, trim figure, and dimples that showed when he smiled.

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  • Ch2 : Brett


    The start of a headache pounded against the side of his skull as Brett listened not so patiently to the men on the other side of his video call.

    “You’re only at forty percent capacity this week. That is not enough to keep that place open.”

    “It’s a hazard to our brand. We need to shut it down before-”

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  • Ch1: Jamie


    What’s that cliched poem about two ships passing in the night? Jamie couldn’t remember who wrote it, but she thought of it now as she heard the front door slam shut. It could have been the start of a nice evening together. She dished out chicken fried rice take out from two days ago but that didn’t mean romance was off the table.

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  • Ch4: Hiding From a Human


    Pissed off and horny in equal measure, Oak couldn’t believe Xaph. Not necessarily an odd combination for him, but having the anger so focused on one person – Monster? Creature? was unique. He huffed through his nose, his brow pulled down in a scowl, his neck sore from having to tilt it back to look at Xaph’s face.

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  • Ch3: Sexy Showers and a Protective Demon


    “Wake up!” A growly voice jolted Oak awake. Glaring at the direction of the voice near the end of the bed through his sleep blurred vision, Oak pulled himself to a seated position.

    “What the fuck!” Oak pushed his messy hair out of his face, scowling at the red demon who bared his fangs in return.

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  • Ch2: Xapheigorth Aweralum Zaesielche The Demon


    Tall. Muscles. Red skin. Dark red like dried blood. That’s all Oak could focus on as he stared down the creature on the other side of the room. It was growling at him, and snarling, showing it’s long, sharp teeth.

    As evidence by the precome that leaked off his cock, Oak wasn’t exactly frightened of the display.

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  • Ch1: Sounding and Summoning


    “I’ve got a surprise today, my little devils!” Oak, aka TwinkDemon to his online followers, smiled wickedly into the camera as his chat scrolled with viewers chiming in with guesses. “I know the steam info lists a prostate plug for today, and that might still come into play but…once you see my new toy I think you’ll all forgive the change of plans.” Oak giggled softly, hearing the sound of tip tokens being sent his way.

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