14 Real Life Romantic Ideas To Woo Your Partner (or your main character)


Recently, I was looking for some ideas for the Valentine’s Day short I’m working on and I decided to ask in a writing group I’m part of. The lovely ladies said I could use their answers in a blog post and I wanted to round up some of the ideas.

Below are 14 stories and ideas from real women about the most romantic thing they have done or a partner has done for them. Some fabulous ideas and unique ways to woo your partner (or main character)!

I was having a particularly challenging week at work, late hours, stress. Boyfriend let himself into my house, did my laundry, straightened up the house, left dinner in the oven, and placed an open bottle of wine on the table. He left a note that simply said “Take a breath, I’ve got you.”

My boyfriend (now my fiancé) made a origami swan for me out of hundreds of tiny pieces of paper. He’s not exactly the crafty type. We were in a LDR at the time and we’d watch movies on Netflix at the same time and talk about it while watching. Turns out he was making that swan over the course of a few movies.

There’s a line in my first novel, PEACE BY PIECE where the main character says, “I’ve never owned a box of 64 crayons.” After reading that in a very early draft, my husband bought me the green and yellow box of 94 crayons, the one with a built in sharpener. Those crayons sit on my desk are a constant reminder of his love and support. (from Carol Fragale Brill)

When my wonderful partner says, “I’ll cook, you go write.”

When we were early on in our relationship, I had to fly out of town for several days for a conference. I gave her my key so she could feed the cats, etc., while I was gone. When I came back, the house was spotless, and she’d left little heart-shaped post-its with different notes hidden all through the house. I was finding them for days afterward. I let her keep the key. (from Amalie Cantor)

My partner picked me up at midnight on my birthday with a bottle of wine and some cheese. He took me out to a dark country road to watch the Perseid meteor showers.

My husband proposed to me in our martial arts class. The Sensei stopped the class for an announcement. And while we were all lined up my husband pulled a single red rose out of his sword bag and knelt down and proposed. Of course i had to flip him onto the mat!

I love thunderstorms and one night Himself and I stripped off and went out in the garden and made love in a thunderstorm. Rain, thunder, lightning, sex. Followed by hot bath.

In college, I was up all night typing my 30-page paper on an old typewriter with carbon paper for copies (dating myself a bit, I know…this was just before everyone had a computer–only computer labs had them). This paper was worth a large part of my grade and I didn`t time it right and savedthe actual typing for the last night. I drank a sugary, highly caffeinated kind of pop to stay awake all night. After hours of this, plus other female issues, I thought I was dying, curled in a ball on the floor of my apartment. My sweet hubby rescued me and turned in my 19-page paper the next morning and helped me up off the floor. I think I only received a”C” on the paper, but it would have been worse if I had turned it in late or not at all. I earned a “B” in the course. Hooray, future hubby hero!!

He had taken off his wedding ring to do some mechanical work and lost it! He was very worried about how angry or hurt I would be. I bought him a new one and when I presented it to him with all four of our five kids in the room, asked him to marry me, again. Lucky for me he said yes.

I wrote him a song, and get it sung and recorded. (from Suzie Jay)

One day, out of the blue, my husband gave me a ukulele. Although I sing, I’ve never got to grips with playing any instrument. We were both surprised how quickly I took to the ukulele, and he’s since bought me two more – an electro-acoutic and a concert one. I love that he gives them to me and that we can now play music together. Aww! (He’s a pianist.)

Making me great sandwiches for lunch, warming the bed, being proud that I’m a writer, carrying me over mud puddles, rubbing my feet with lotion, making me garden boxes, taking me fishing. . .

My french (now husband) boyfriend made homemade mayonnaise–by hand, then took my hands (I was sitting at the counter watching him) and gently washed them. Then fed me a little piece of cooked potato with the mayo and sliced chives. Without talking. It was sooo lovely.(from Mimi Zollars)


Tell me YOUR most romantic story in the comments below!

Photo Credit: malloreigh via Compfight cc

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